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Fire and Ice : The Story of Charles Revson, the Man Who Built the Revlon Empire, by Andrew Tobias
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This is the story of Charles Revson (b.1906 d.1975), the insecure kid from a cold-water flat in Manchester, New Hampshire, who never went to college but founded Revlon. He went from putting the nail polish on his own nails (to test it) and criss-crossing the country by rail (to sell it) to, ultimately, a $5,000-a-day New York lifestyle complete with a 257-foot yacht, the Ultima II, whose gas tank cost $20,000 to fill and whose staterooms Revson liked to keep chilly enough, in the heat of the Caribbean, to require toasty electric blankets. (Andrew Tobias)
- Sales Rank: #1902824 in Books
- Published on: 1977-07
- Ingredients: Example Ingredients
- Number of items: 1
- Binding: Mass Market Paperback
Most helpful customer reviews
3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
A Fascinating Portrait of a Corporate Legend
By Azamie
I had read bits and pieces of this book, and wanted to read the whole story. I couldn't put it down! Andrew Tobias goes way behind the scenes to capture the man who was Revlon; the biggest and most flamboyantly-run cosmetics empire...before Estee Lauder , there was Charles Revson and Revlon. He was loathed, feared, repudiated and sometimes admired---the stories in this book are almost surreal in content. It is a lesson in history and how things used to be; before all of the politically-correct manure that passes for advertising in today's world. I strongly recommend this book; characters like Charles Revson do not exist anymore; they are, though, part of the American folklore and what Madison Avenue and the really big corporations used to be. It's How to Succeed in Business by Really Trying!
3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
Charles Revson was not as beautiful as the world he created
By EstherBunny
I read this book in the 1980's. Loaned it out and thought I would
never see it again. Thank you Amazon! Mad Men ain't got nothing
on Chucky!
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Five Stars
You have to read this book if you think your boss is difficult.
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